Square Enix desperately needs to revive Radiata Stories and it could happen soon

Radiata Stories for the PlayStation 2 was one of my all time favorite games. Not only was it developed by Square Enix (and I’m a sucker for literally everything they create), but it was set in a unique and cozy world that never took itself too seriously.
Radiata Stories has what most games don’t
If I’m being honest, most games these days tend to be way too serious, and that’s fine and all depending on who you ask, but with real life being more grim as I get older, I’m not one to play Elden Ring and other titles like it. The whimsical nature and colorful setting Radiata Stories takes place in had me laughing quite a bit through and through.
Besides that, the game is rich with its own lore, a day and night system (something most games in the PS2 era didn’t have), wacky and interesting characters, and an ending that has stuck with me for the past 17 years since it released. In an era of remakes and remasters, I’m shocked to see that Square has yet to re-release this gem or remake it from the ground up for modern consoles.
In an interesting turn of events, the preorder bonus for Star Ocean: The Divine Force features two Amiibo-like digital figures from Radiata Stories. You can claim both of the game’s protagonists – Jack and Ridley – if you act now. The fact that this has even happened shows that Radiata is on someone’s mind at Square Enix, and that alone is a bit of a shock since we’ve heard literally nothing regarding the franchise since it first came out.
A remaster could be right around the corner
I believe that we’re long overdue for this incredible game to come to both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. If it dropped on the Nintendo Switch too (my favorite JRPG device), I would literally be head over heels. There’s an adoring cult following and fanbase surrounding the world created by writer Masatoshi Midori and they’re clamoring for more, even if they are smaller than Square’s primary audience. I’m one of them, and I can tell you that our appetite for a follow up or simply the ability to play it without buying an old PlayStation 2 or via emulation is coming to a head.

I recently picked up a Japanese copy of the game from a store in Little Tokyo, California and I can’t tell you how much I want to play it on the go with my Switch Lite. Tri-Ace – the same team that created Star Ocean, are the geniuses behind Radiata Stories, and which explains why it’s snuck its way into the latest release in the series. Regardless, it’s such a tease, but it could point to the company’s future plans.
Why does Radiata Stories have such an adoring fanbase?
We asked the authority on all things Radiata Stories via Twitter to recount his fondest memories of the beloved game. @ReviveRadiata has spent the past four years collecting, posting, and reminiscing over every shred of both official and fan-created content that exists on the web in hopes to catch the attention of Square Enix and Tri-Ace, and it looks to be working!
“Radiata Stories is often described as charming. From the opening minutes it’s hard not to be won over by the characters and environments. That’s certainly what happened to me. Combine the visuals with a perfectly paired soundtrack, and you get an experience that taps into your childlike sense of joy.
Radiata Stories quite literally feels like playing through a story book. It captures the feeling of a fairytale and spreads it out over an 80+ hour RPG experience. While it may not be as high stakes as some of its contemporaries, the lighthearted story is one that is easily accessible for players across all stages of life. I was in middle school when I got my copy and although 15 years have passed, I still find myself genuinely laughing out loud and smiling when I revisit the game.
The reason I campaign so hard for Radiata Stories is because I see it as a great game that got dealt a bad hand. It had all the ingredients to make a real splash especially amongst JRPG fans. Unfortunately, it had to contest with three different director swaps, a limited marketing budget, and a release window near the end of the PS2’s life cycle. Additionally, it released within a few months of Dragon Quest 8 and Kingdom Hearts 2 putting it at a disadvantage as an original property. These were major franchises for Square Enix so naturally the marketing efforts would be directed accordingly.
The limited exposure likely led to most consumers being completely unaware of the release and focusing instead on more established properties. I genuinely believe that if all things were equal in regards to marketing, Radiata Stories would be a flagship property for tri-Ace and Square Enix that would rival if not surpass, the current front runner, Star Ocean.
It’s a big “what if” but the only way we’ll know for sure is to give Radiata Stories a second chance. An opportunity to succeed on its own merits with proper support and exposure. Whether that be in the form of a remake, remaster, or unmodified rerelease. I think Radiata Stories still has the potential to truly shine bright.”
Revive Radiata on Twitter
Here’s how you can help Revive Radiata
There’s an official Change.org petition that you can sign if you too would love to see the game release on modern consoles and come back to charm both a new and existing audience alike! Even without the petition reaching the 7,500 signatures it needs, the Jack and Ridley figurines seem like they’re a nod to all of us waiting with baited breath for more news on our favorite game.
Do you have fond memories of Radiata Stories on the original PlayStation 2? Have you already signed the petition? If so, be sure to click the ‘Take the next steps!’ button on the petition page to spread the word and garner even more interest in a potential future for the franchise! Let us know in the comments if you are currently playing through the Jack’s story on your Steam Deck or if you will now that I brought it up. Happy gaming!